
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Some Space Images I Really Like =)

So today i thought i'd upload some hubble images i really like and i think everyone should see in their lifetime. This is an image of our galaxy and our position within it! A find this to be a very humbling and informative image.

This is another beautiful image taken by the hubble telescope and is another fine example of our minuscule place within the universe as a whole.

This is an image of the hubble telescope itself majestically floating above the earth. I find it amazing to think about how just below the image the blue glow of the earth is home to everything and everyone we know, our little space in the universe. The home of all of our history, knowledge and life. It's a shame the majority of humanity has such little respect for it.


This is perhaps the most famous image taken by the hubble, there is so much knowledge to gain from this simple image.

Firstly, almost every point of light you see is not a star, but a whole galaxy containing billions or even trillions of stars. These vast numbers are often hard to imagine but this picture does justice in displaying the vast size of our universe. It's important to note that the hubble scanned a relatively small (2.5 arcminutes across, two parts in a million of the whole sky) and empty looking bit of space and then looked further into the universe than ever before; this is what you can see even if you look into an apparently 'empty' bit of space if you look far enough.

It's also important to note that when you look into space you are in fact looking back in time this is because light takes time to reach us. It takes the suns light 8 minutes to travel to our
planet, so in theory if the sun suddenly disappeared we wouldn't even know for 8 minutes.

The same knowledge applies here, but instead of looking back in time a mere 8 minutes we're looking back into the early parts of the universe some 400-800 million years after the big bang. In relation to the age of the universe which is at least 15 billions years old, this is absolutely nothing; these are the oldest observed celestial objects known to man.


  1. wow i think these are pretty old but they still look atonsihing

  2. One interesting thing about all this stuff is that any image you see of the Milky Way actually isn't. It's either an image of a similar galaxy or an artist's rendition since we have yet to send a camera far enough away that it could take a picture of our own galaxy.

  3. I think so many images of Space have been manipulated by technology, but these look so real. Nice find

  4. the second one :') so beautiful. space is so cool

  5. These are amazing. I love astronomy.

  6. Truly amazing pictures, makes you realise how small we are!

  7. Very cool pictures, really makes you wonder what else is out there that we can't see.

  8. Gasp, It's like living in another world

  9. Pretty neat stuff, makes you wonder how many galaxies are out there

  10. Always love stuff from the Hubble =)

  11. O man If I think about things that size too long i get the willies

  12. I want to see a new discovery.

  13. awesome pics, thx for them bro :)

  14. This is kinda depressing haha

  15. Nice pictures man, dont see how its depressing ross

  16. the whole "last 8 minutes beofre doom" thing was a bit like woah! awesome pictures though!

  17. Hard to conceive how people can look upon that final photo and still hold to the belief that we're the only intelligent life out in the universe.

  18. cheers again for these, love them!

  19. I totally wanna become an astronaut now

  20. i absolutely love these type of images

  21. Amazing blog, great posts.

  22. they are so cool, especially the 2nd pic

  23. if you think about the infinity of space, you can go crazy ;)

  24. its scary when we realize just how tiny we really are =x
